HOV misuse
I was glad to see the citations issued by the Washington State Patrol. I drive Interstate 90 and Interstate 405 south to Renton Landing in the morning. No matter what time I travel, single driver after single driver race up the carpool/HOV lane.
It is very frustrating for those who obey the law. The abusers cut in at Eastgate which congests the traffic even more. I see State Patrol SUVs but never motorcycle troopers (they could be concealing themselves). I’m sure they are doing the best they can.
I would like to see more funds going toward citing these HOV lane abusers. It certainly would bring in more revenue for the state.
Jeanne Wight
We need Rossi
It causes me great concern when I see the TV commercials and hear the speeches of Dr. Kim Schrier as she campaigns for Congress. She wrongly maintains that it is the politicians that are keeping from getting things done.
This is the uninformed screed from a green, naïve newcomer who has never been elected to anything of consequence. She has never worked on a Legislative committee, never hammered out a compromise on a tax bill, and never represented everyday people in the 8th Congressional District. Or, anywhere else, for that matter.
In making such loose and inaccurate statements, Schrier shows how clueless this first-time candidate is about the political process. Schrier’s insistence on raising our income taxes, payroll taxes, and energy taxes by thousands of dollars per family demonstrates how ill-equipped she is to lead us in the right direction.
We cannot send someone like her to represent us when the economy is booming, taxes have been reduced and unfair tariffs are stripped away. There is simply too much to lose.
We do need Dino Rossi, a smart, experienced former legislator to keep the economy growing.
Terry J. LaBrue
Mailer wrong about Rossi
I got a mailer from the Washington State Democratic Party that suggests Dino Rossi raised property taxes by supporting last year’s McCleary fix.
What it doesn’t say is that those property taxes come back down in 2019. As the Seattle Times says, “last year, in a move Democrats reluctantly agreed to, lawmakers hiked the state property-tax rate for every homeowner in 2018 by about 80 cents per $1,000 in assessed valuation. Then, the plan caps and lowers local property taxes collected by the state’s 295 school districts beginning next year. Many homeowners ultimately are expected to see an eventual overall tax decrease” (March 7, 2018).
The mailer also shows a family with sad looks on their faces with a caption that says, “My family can’t afford higher taxes, but that’s exactly what’s going to happen to pay down $1.9 trillion to the national debt.”
The Washington State Democrats imply that taxes on middle class families will need to be raised to compensate for lost revenue from last year’s tax cuts passed by Congress. They suggest that since Dino supports the tax cuts, Dino will also support raising taxes on the middle class to pay for those tax cuts, and therefore we shouldn’t vote for him. The mailer might as well say “Dino supports tax cuts so therefore he might raise your taxes.” It makes no logical sense.
Also, attacking Dino Rossi on taxes is absolutely astonishing given the fact that his opponent Dr. Kim Schrier supports a state income tax, a carbon tax, repealing last year’s tax cuts, and “strengthening” the death tax (estate tax).
I would’ve laughed at this ridiculous mailer if it didn’t make me so angry. Educate yourselves before you vote, and if you want your taxes to stay low, vote for Dino Rossi.
Derek Flint
Stronger together
On Aug. 26, 1920, American women won the vote. While much progress has been made, there’s more to be done for the coming generations. With politics spiraling downward since the 2016 election, those forward strides are in danger of back-sliding. The recent U.S. Supreme Court debacle is seen as a seismic shift backwards.
An American president who grabbed women’s genitalia, and whose family is alleged to have defrauded our government of millions in taxes is now the standard-bearer for angry, white men, including now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh. They stand together against women’s equality.
The defenders of America’s patriarchy refuse to relinquish power. They know what’s best, we don’t. They, like the Founding Fathers, are white men. And that’s how it must be. The fault, however, isn’t entirely theirs.
In many ways, women are reluctant to take on ultimate responsibility for our own lives. Whether by habit or choice, we continue to vote men into office to decide for us.
Professor Christine Blasey Ford stepped before a patriarchal-led committee. She shouldered the mantle for sexually assaulted women. She was rebuffed — the self-professed victim, Kavanaugh, was to be pitied instead.
Women wanting to be equal partners should vote for qualified women when possible.
Stronger together.
Millie Vierra
CLF ad is the worst
Recently I came across a remarkable advertisement by CLF (Congressional Leadership Fund), the Republican superpac promoting Dino Rossi. I learned that apparently Congress can make states, against their will, impose a state income tax.
In this ad a solemn female voice dripping with doom declares “Kim Schrier supports state income tax.” The subtext being, “Be very afraid.Elect Kim Schrier and a state income tax is inevitable.”
If this is indeed true we have a real problem.
I bet Dr. Schrier “supports” eating broccoli and a daily exercise regimen as well. Elect Dr. Schrier and get ready for mandatory broccoli and 30 minutes of daily huffing and puffing.
Political ads that mislead with deceptive innuendos are the worst of its kind. This ad by CLF is a prime example. It misleads by implying, not stating of course (just wink, wink, nod, nod), that federal government has anything at all to do with state income taxes. Shame on the CLF for running it. Mr. Rossi, what say you?
Sankar Ray
Schrier wants to raise taxes on farmers
According to her responses to a candidate questionnaire from the 31st Legislative District Democrats, she favors “strengthening certain taxes like the estate tax.”
The estate tax or “death tax” is one of the worst parts of our nation’s tax code, but it is especially devastating for farmers and ranchers. Before it was amended in 2017, the estate tax allowed the federal government to take 40 percent of estates valued at more than $5.5 million. For example, say the land of a small family farm is worth $5.5 million, and the owner passes away and wants to pass the farm on to his children. For the children to gain ownership of their own family farm, the federal government first taxes it at 40 percent. Since farmers are often land-rich but cash-poor, they often need to sell almost half of their farmland and equipment just to cover the cost of this egregious tax.
Congress and the President gave some relief to farmers from the death tax last year. Instead of a $5.5 million threshold for the tax to apply, it has been doubled to $11 million. This means that farms or estates valued under $11 million are not punished by the death tax.
What does Dr. Kim Schrier mean when she says she favors “strengthening” the death tax? Does she want the threshold brought back down so that smaller farms have to pay it? Or does she want to raise the rate higher than 40 percent?
It’s unclear exactly how she wants to strengthen the death tax, but one thing is clear: Kim Schrier is no friend of farmers and ranchers. As a third-generation farmer, I want to keep my farm.
Bob Schnebly