Plenty mad about that Trump tax ‘cut’
About this time last year, I not only did my taxes, but made a quickie estimate for 2018. As those dumb Internet ads say, the results will surprise you. I tried to get this published so I could warn you all of dire consequences. It will not surprise you that it did not get published. The Seattle Times endorsed a supporter of tax cuts for the rich, aka Dino Rossi. So you expect them to say, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” It does seem to get harder and harder to point out the obvious to the denizens of Sammamish.
But to review the bidding, I estimated that a typical suburban schlub like me would pay an extra $4,000 in tax. Well, the returns are in and you can expect to see me panhandling at the corner of exit 15 and Interstate 90, $6,000 extra tax. My income hardly changed, but getting rid of exemptions and capping itemized deductions cost me big.
My real point is not about me (that’s what the pols always say). A carload of suburban homeowners got hosed by last year’s repurposing of the tax code. My former Representative, Dave Reichert (ex- WA-8) swore up and down that this would help the middle class and then left town before the new sheriff could catch up with him. Where’s Dave now, lobbying for the United Organization of Plutocrats and Fat Cats?
So how do all you Trump lovers like your big tax cut?
I’m plenty mad.
I suppose we could all go to our windows and scream, “I’m mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore.” But we will continue to take it. And some of you will carry signs for Donnie the Menace saying “promises made, promises kept.” Who says you can’t find ironic humor in the suburbs?
Charlie Bird
Silver Lining
It was an honor to live in Issaquah for over a decade. During that time I witnessed how hard Issaquah Police worked every single day.
I participated in the Citizen’s Police Academy and learned how tough several 12-hour back to back days can be for our officers, and how difficult police work really is.
Nobody on the Issaquah Police force is feeling good about any tragedy, but we should never stop thanking our men and women in blue for protecting and serving us in extremely difficult situations.
Please don’t forget in trying times that you have some of the best officers in the country.
You’re fortunate to have a department that is constantly keeping Issaquah a great place to live.
Many thanks,
Keith Dougherty and the Dougherty family